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Addressing the School Board

Addressing the School Board

Our public schools welcome the involvement of all citizens. The board meetings provide an opportunity for members of the community and parents to speak at its meetings. You may wish to address the Mt. Vernon School Board to provide public comment on board agenda items. 
During a public Mt. Vernon School Board meeting, one opportunity is available on the agenda. Early in the proceedings, the public will be asked if there are any questions about agenda items only. 
Speakers are each given three minutes to address the Mt. Vernon School Board. Know what you want to say, and say it as briefly as possible. The Mt. Vernon School Board may not respond to your comments at the meeting, but they may direct the superintendent to respond as soon as possible.
Suggestions on Making an Effective Board Presentation:

  • When called to speak, speak clearly. State your name and the name of the organization or group of citizens that you are representing.
  • State your concern, question, or opinion. Give supporting examples or reasons. If you know what action you wish the Board to take, end your remarks by stating what you want done.
  • If you are reading from a script, you may want to provide copies for Board Members and the Superintendent.
  • Avoid repeating similar views. In the interest of time, it is best to designate a single spokesperson to represent a group with a common purpose. It is effective to show your numbers by asking those present to stand or by telling the Board how many members belong to your organization without having every member speak to the issue.
  • Limit your comments to one item or issue.
  • Always be polite. Avoid name-calling, finger-pointing, accusations, or language that could be interpreted as demeaning to anyone.