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Ambassadors Program Graduates 2024

The Mt. Vernon Community School Corporation is pleased to share and congratulate the third cohort of MV Ambassadors on their graduation. The special group of community members

MVCSC School Board Receives Commendable ISBA Exemplary Governance Award

Congratulations to the Mt. Vernon Community School Corporation Board of Trustees for receiving an Exemplary Governance Award from the Indiana School Boards Association (ISBA). They received this

Ashley Gustin Named Mt. Vernon Intermediate School Principal

Ashley Gustin has been named the principal of Mt. Vernon Intermediate School   Ms. Ashley Gustin has been selected as the new principal of Mt. Vernon Intermediate School. Ms. Gustin comes to Mt.

Unlocking Futures: The Expansive Horizons of a Student Criminal Justice Class

Criminal justice inspires scores of TV shows, but it is - in real life - a promising career field for young people interested in anything from law enforcement to emergency dispatch communications -

Congrats to FES for Achieving a 95% IREAD Pass Rate

Fortville Elementary was recently recognized by the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) for their third-grade students achieving a 95% pass rate on the IREAD test. FES is one of 242 Indiana

Haley Frischkorn, MVCSC ENL Coordinator, is awarded Lilly Teacher Creativity Grant

Mrs. Haley Frischkorn, MVCSC English Language Coordinator, is one of three fortunate teachers in Hancock County to be selected for the Lilly Endowment Inc. Teacher Creativity Fellowship Program.

Mandarin Class Develops International Friendships through Pen Pal Letters

Students learning Mandarin at Mt. Vernon High School (MVHS) have developed new friendships with students from high schools in Taipei, Taiwan, thanks to the class pen pal project. Being the eighth